Gold plated copper conducts, provide maximum conductivity and prevents corrosion. Whether your in a client's office, hotel, remote worksite or your very own office, you can use your portable computer to download documents, send and receive faxes or even surf the web. Simply plug in your PC Modem card into any laptop/notebook computer with a PCMCIA slot ( Type II, III or IV). Then connect your PCMIA Modem Cable from the PC Card to a regular RJ11 phone jack and you've got an instant connection. The PCMCIA Modem Card and cable combines the 14.4kbs/28.8kbps/33.6kbps or 56kbps data modem for an easy one step solution to all your portable communication needs. Ground Indents, Provides excellent conductivity and retention with mating connector. State of the art wiring design. Gold plated copper conducts, provide maximum conductivity and prevents corrosion.